Who am i?

My name is Teá and I have been very passionate about health and fitness since I was 17 years old. It began by watching YouTubers and just learning as I went. I tried so many different things that I thought would bring me closer to my goals. I went through an obsessive macro-counting period, I even tried going vegan for a good bit. I thought I was living in such a healthy manner until I had a wake up call when I hit 21 and everything had to change.

2020 was that year it all changed, and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. I got off of the birth control pill and pretty soon after is when my health got even worse. I experienced a significant amount of hair loss and my skin was in the worst shape it’s ever been. My body was screaming at me that something was wrong.

I went the typical route at first and got prescribed to different medications and it did work for a bit but I knew deep down that it wasn’t the answer. That’s what lead me the more holistic route. I began to see a functional practioner and even enrolled, and graduated, from the Institue of Integrative Nutrition. I was dead set on healing myself the natural way. And I’m not sure if I would say I’m all the way healed, but I no longer suffer the way I used to.

What I have gone through and experienced on my journey has led me to where I am today, creating this space for women from all walks of life, to feel seen, heard, and understood. You do not have to go throughout life alone and not asking others for help. If I didn’t ask for help when I needed it, I would most likely still be suffering and not understanding why.

So that’s why I created the Elevated Health Club. A community of like-minded individuals who empower one another to be the best possible version of themselves, for themselves.

This is me ~ in the most beautiful place, Santorini Greece ♡

For the longest time I thought I had to do everything on my own. I isolated myself because I was afraid of asking for help and looking vulnerable. Being vulnerable and asking for help is OKAY and it is part of this human experience. Once I started investing in myself, that’s when I saw true progress. I am grateful to be able to offer this space and hope that you will find safety in being vulnerable here.