The importance of Heart Brain Coherence

Do you ever feel disconnected from your intuition? 

Let’s start there, because perhaps some of you are wondering what intuition even is. You may have heard sayings such as “go with your gut” which is another way of saying your intuition. It is your inner knowing. So many times we ask questions to people outside of us, when we have the answers inside all along. A lot of people, myself included, struggle with realizing the answers are all within. For example, the amount of times I have asked a friend whether or not a certain relationship is for me, or what outfit to wear is astronomical. We get into this habit of constantly needing validation outside of us, for answers that we truly know and feel in our hearts. 

We are often told that the brain is the major organ of the body, while indigenous cultures believe that the heart is. Sayings like “think with your head not your heart,” are pretty popular and well-known. While both of these are major organs, they are incomplete without the other. While the brain releases the chemistry into our bodies for healing, hormonal balance, and all these other things… our brain receives many instructions that tell it what to do through the heart. And we are the ones creating the instructions through our thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs. Those thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs all carry a certain frequency and signal to them. When we are experiencing feelings of hatred, anger, jealousy, stress, and greed, the signal between the heart and brain is very chaotic and rough which signals chaotic chemistry in the brain. Which is the chemistry that tells us we need high amounts of adrenaline and stress hormones to respond to something.. which is good in certain situations but we don’t want to live our life like this. When we can shift our feelings to compassion, appreciation, and gratitude, the signal from the heart to the brain becomes very coherent. Our brain then begins to release another chemical to our bodies. When you are in coherence it awakens your brain to send powerful healing chemistry, strong immune response, anti aging hormones, and awakens your senses. The opposite sends your body into a fight or flight response and shuts down all of the important responses.

 Now that you have a good idea of why its important, let me share with you how we can create this coherence. 

  1. Shift your awareness from your brain to your heart by gently touching your heart center in a way that’s comfortable to you Prayer Mudra or Namaste, gently touching the sternum

  2. Slow your breathing, 5 seconds in 5 exhale. When you slow your breathing down, it tells your body that you feel safe and are not vigilant and on high alert. It allows you to shift into the state you want to be in

  3. Feel the feeling that sets up the coherence between the heart and the brain. Feelings such as gratitude, appreciation, joy, and compassion.

If you can feel any one of those feelings or a combination of them, combined with steps one and two- you are triggering those neurons to find other neurons to strengthen this connection between the heart and brain. This is how you strengthen your intuition and allow your body to heal itself.
