You cannot expect to get a different result when you are doing the same things you have been doing forever. You have to change if you want to yield different results. How do you start your day? Are you rushing to get out of the door, or do you make time to check in with yourself before checking in with social media, the news, or people at work? 

Establish a Routine

How you start your day is so important and can determine how the rest of your day will play out. Creating a morning routine is VITAL for the well-being of your mind, body, and spirit. Now, I want to be transparent and tell you that I struggled with this for awhile. I would get sucked into my phone each morning and flood my brain with dopamine, only to keep reaching for my phone all day to receive that same feeling. When I realized how unhealthy it was and how much it was affecting me negatively, I had to do something about it. I started implementing small changes to how I would start my day, and the more I did it, the more it stuck and became a habit. Instead of having my phone next to my bed, I turn it off and keep it far away from me, and replace it with a book or my journal. That way I’m not even tempted, and instead reach for something that is a lot more fulfilling and relaxing. 

My ideal morning looks like this: wake up, smile, and give thanks for this day. I then like to do some combination of yoga, breath-work, and meditate. After that I will journal and say affirmations, and then proceed to start getting ready for my day. During my meditation, I set my intention for the day. Do you want it be productive? Peaceful? Loving? Choose a word and constantly remind yourself of it as you go throughout your day. 

Emphasis on ideal, some mornings I may just do one of the activities listed, and that is okay too. It’s important to note that we as humans are fluid beings and not everyday will be the same. Please do what resonates with you and what makes you feel like you are tending to your mind, body, and soul before starting the day. You may not feel the effects immediately, but with consistency, I guarantee you will. Raising your vibration, showing compassion & gratitude, and being kind will always be reflected back, just like the polar opposite would. When you take care of yourself, you take care of the world. ♡


The importance of Heart Brain Coherence